Instituto Adolfo Lutz

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Technological Innovation Center - NIT IAL






The Technological Innovation Center of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz (NIT-IAL) was created on December, 22, 2010, by the Decreto Estadual Nº 56.569 and updated its structure by the Portaria DG/IAL 13 de 20 de Abril de 2016. Our objective is to stimulate innovation within this institute, to manage the Intellectual Property (PI) produced in the Institute and to offer means to promote knowledge transfer in science, technology and cultural areas from private and public productive sectors.




To promote activities stimulating scientific and technological innovation research of interest for public health in the Instituto Adolfo Lutz, strengthening partnerships between researchers, managers, companies and the government for socioeconomic development at State and Federal levels.




To be internationally acknowledged in the transfer of knowledge and technologies for the promotion of innovation in Epidemiologic Surveillance, Sanitary and Environmental Surveillance for the prevention, control and elimination of diseases and hazards of interest in Public Health





Technical Coordinator:
Helio Hehl Caiaffa Filho


Technical Manager:
Paula Helena Ortiz Lima


Technical Assistant:
Denise Hage Russo


Technical Support (Multipliers):
Adriana Luchs
Adriana Palma de Almeida
Adriana Pardini Vicentini
Andréa Gobetti Coelho Bombonatte
Elsone de Fatima Ferigolo 
Jaqueline Kalleian Eserian 
Lourdes Aparecida Zampieri D'andrea 
Luis Fernando dos Santos
Luz Marina Trujillo
Natália Coelho Couto de Azevedo Fernandes
Pedro Luiz Silva Pinto 
Regina Celia Moreira 
Tânia Sueli de Andrade 
Virgínia Bodelão Richini Pereira

Administrative Support:
Elisabete Lima
Marcia Ribeiro
Letícia Maria de Campos




NIT-IAL operates through the following actions:

  • Management of intellectual property (PI) produced in the Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL);
  • Assisting researchers and inventors in the identification of products or processes that are apt for protection and licensing;
  • Assisting in the process of mark, product and processes protection and support for the drawing of licensing contracts;
  • Facilitating public and/or private partnerships, national and/or international in order to stimulate the strengthening of P&D activities in IAL;
  • To accompany requests processing and keeping intellectual property titles in IAL
  • Follow-up of requests processing and the maintenance of IAL`s intellectual property titles

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